Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Rest

Do your dreams ever tire you out? Last night I dreamt that Klif and I were in this contest of sorts, and we were running through this mall-like place, going from store to store looking for clues and asking the cashier's for these keys. I don't know what the keys did, but we got a few. Anyway, the dream seemed to go on forever and this morning I feel worn out.

I know that in high school when I worked at McDonald's every once in a while I would dream I was working. It was horrible. I would wake up through the night and think to myself "you've got to dream something different!" but I couldn't help it. I would fall back asleep and be right back putting the ketchup and mustard on the burger.


Angie said...

ugh. I feel for you on the McD's. Sometimes new meds will mess with your dreams..... just a thought. Perhaps you've been watching too much "Amazing Race"?

Jordan said...

No new meds and we really haven't been watching any tv! I thank maybe I took some excedrin migraine before I went to bed, which has a lot of caffeine in it. Maybe that was it.